

This natural spring water in Lincoln, Maine, United States of America, is a significant roadside spring in the region. It is located between marker 7 and marker 8 on the right side of the road. There are ribbons to mark the place and there is a stairwell that leads from the road to the tap. Many people have drank the water, and it has a good taste and is quite cool and refreshing. Though there have not been any official reports of the water being tested for drinkability, people have not reported sick or unwell after drinking it. The spring is located on a road side, and it is free for all. The spring is open all day long and people can visit it whenever they wish.

Where can I find spring water?

The correct coordinates are 45.4012828,-68.46580542 and the complete address of this spring is 247, Town Farm Rd, Lincoln, ME 04457, US. Though this spring can be visited by a car, it is advisable to go slow to prevent any damage to your car.


If you are travelling on RT11, turn right to the Golden Road. Drive slowly between marker 7 and 8, and you will find the Golden Road Spring on the right side of the road.

More details:

A yellow staircase leads from the road to the spring. During some months, the stairs and the spring may be not easily visible from the road due to snow banks. There are also some ribbons marking the location of the spring.


247, Town Farm Rd, Lincoln, ME 04457, US

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