
Hot Springs Convention Center, Convention Boulevard, Hot Springs AR 71901-4135 - Phone: (501) 3321-1705 Turn east on Convention Blvd to Opera St. Go 167 ft. Total 167 ft. Continue straight on Opera St go 466 feet total 0.1 mi. Make the first left onto Spring St. go 0.1 mi. Total 0.2 mi. Turn left at Central Ave. Take 0.5 mi to the end. Turn right at W Grand Ave. Go 0.9 mi total 1.6 miles in about 2 mins. Turn left at US270 BUS W/US70W About 2 minutes go 1.2 mi Total 2.8 mi 7. Turn left at Airport Rd/US70W Continue following US-70W For approximately 45 minutes, go 29.1 mi total of 31.9 mi 8. Take a slight right at Broadway St. You will travel 0.9 mi to total 32.8 mi. Continue following AR-27 N/AR-8W. Turn left at N 1st St/AR-276 N/AR-8 W. About 9 minutes go 5.6 mi. Total 38.4 mi. Turn left at AR-244 W. Takes approximately 15 mins to go 9.8 mi. Total 48.2 mi 11. Take a slight right at Nfw517. In 9 minutes, you will reach 3.4 mi. Total 51.5 mi 12. Continue straight onto Fancy Hill Rd. It takes 6 minutes to reach 1.6 mi. Total 53.2 mi. Turn left on Albert Pike Rd, go 69 ft to total 53.2 mi Turn left to remain on Albert Pike Rd. Go 1.5 mi total 55.7 mi in 6 mins. Turn right to remain on Albert Pike Rd. It will take you 1.3 mi total, 55.9 mi.
You will find many trails that lead to crystal-clear, great tasting spring water, which flows naturally from the mountains.
Additional info:
Nearest Address

Albert Pike Road Caddo Gap, AR 71935
Directions from the Nearest Address

Vital Information
Hours Spring Open
Some trails may be closed in winter. Only the spring and summer months are good for camping and cabins.
Map Link: Camp Albert Pike Springs Map
Submitted By: J. Marie Koonce


23, E Riverview, Caddo Gap, AR 71935, US

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