A little red well house is located on the side by the road, with water flowing from a pvc pipe. There are many trees around. The water flows back from the spring as a little stream. ...this article talks about the spring and even references a second spring in Augusta I have not yet been to.
Nearest Address
Wrightsboro Rd. Very close to Flowing Wells Rd.
Directions starting from the nearest address
Turn right from Augusta Mall onto Wrightsboro Rd. Continue straight for a few miles under Bobby Jones Expressway. You will see a little red house at the side of the road as you descend the hill. There is also a parking lot. The spring can be seen if you look to the right at Flowing Wells Rd.
Vital Information
Hours Spring Open
Map Link: Wrightsboro Rd.
Submitted By: NATHAN
3740, Wrightsboro Rd, Augusta, GA 30909, US
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