
As you approach lake hemet east, there are three bridges that cross over marshy areas. This spring is on the south side at the first bridge. You will find it at the end of the road, just look for it. Although local people are using this water, I didn't because it had TDS of 141.
Nearest Address

On Rt. Rt. 74 near the bridge near Lake Hemet. You will find it on the lakeside of the road near the bridge over South Fork San Jacinto River
Directions from the Nearest Address

Vital Information
Hours of Spring Open
33.664494, -116.668220
Submitted By: Jacob, Raquel


56798, State Hwy 74, Mountain Center, CA 92561, US

Don't Forget Your Filter

Life Straw removes 99.999% of waterborn parasites so it is essential if you're drinking from an unknown water source. With proper use it provides 4,000 liters of clean and safe drinking water.

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