Name of Waterfall
Bedard Falls
Bedard Falls
The falls are best seen from the Squamish Main around the 27 mile marker. The memorial is obvious and there is room to park there. The best views of the falls are had about 300 feet south of the memorial along side the river. You'll need to find a hole in the trees to photograph the falls well.This waterfall cascades down a narrow gully from a pair of small lakes and their parent glaciers on the Squamish-Ashlu Divide. The height of the falls is difficult to determine, but it is thought to be in the vicinity of at least 1500 feet in total height with a single drop of perhaps 300-400 feet. It is possible the falls may extend further up the mountainside and could perhaps be over 2000 feet tall in all, but the terrain makes it difficult to see the falls from the ground at all. Making it more difficult still, thick forest along the banks of the Squamish River prevent clear views from the road across the valley.This waterfall nor the stream it is located along are known to have a recognized name. Along the Squamish FSR near where the falls are visible is a memorial plaque dedicated to one Darryl Bedard, so we've proposed naming the falls in following.