Name of Waterfall


GPS Coordinates (Approximate)

JFV6+C9 Melrakkanes, Iceland


JFV6+C9 Melrakkanes, Iceland


From the town of Djúpivogur follow Highway 1 west towards Höfn for 10.3km to the bridge over the Hamarsá. The falls are visible at this point, but closer views can be afforded by turning right onto a gravel road next to the bridge, then bearing left after about 200m and continuing for another 600 meters to where the road is directly across the valley from the falls. Access on foot should be possible by finding the footbridge in the same area and following what appears to be a fairly obvious path for about 1.5km to the base of the falls (again, if permitted).Snædalsfoss is a rather eye-catching waterfall which can be seen dropping into the valley of the river Hamarsá just above the Ring Road near the town of Djúpivogur along the east coast of Iceland. The falls drop about 120 feet in two plunging steps down a wonderfully rugged cliff of volcanic bedrock, with a huge pointy peak towering overhead. Though the falls are easily visible from the highway, the view is somewhat distant and approaching the falls on foot will provide a better experience (we did not have time to do this). There does appear to be an established path or road to near the base of the falls, but it passes near a house just after crossing the river, so please remember to be courteous and do not proceed if it turns out that public access is restricted.We could not find any information on an official or colloquially recognized name for this waterfall, so for the time being we've opted to call it after its stream, the Snædalsá.

Other Names




IWC Rating (International Waterfall Classification)


Total Height (ft)


Number of Drops


Average Width


Average High Volume (Cubic ft per second)

20 cfs

Average Low Volume (Cubic ft per second)

0 cfs


90 degrees

Run (ft)


Watershed or Feeder Stream
