Name of Waterfall
FCRX+3R Luster, Norway
FCRX+3R Luster, Norway
Drivandefossen is an effectively de-watered waterfall located along the Galdelvi near the northern end of the Lustrafjorden. The Galdelvi has been incorporated into a hydroelectric system and it appears that the vast majority, if not the entirety, of the river has been diverted away from the falls, effectively rendering it dry. Because of this, it's difficult to tell exactly where the waterfall is located, and how substantial it is. The river drops approximately 300 meters over a 1.2 kilometer run between the lake where the diversion occurs and the tailrace from the power plant in the valley below, however it's a near certainty that the feature which bears the name Drivandefossen is just a small section of that drop - but how small is not clear. We had previously listed this waterfall with a height of 263 meters, and it's not at all clear where that measurement originated from (though it was almost certainly a measurement related to the head of the hydro project in some way). We suspect the actual falls is likely in the range of 20-35 meters in height.