Name of Waterfall
Dalton Falls
Dalton Falls
Located in the Multnomah Falls area of the Columbia Gorge. The seasonal waterfall we thought may be Dalton Falls can only be seen from Benson State Park, just off of I-84, one mile west of Multnomah Falls (this exit is only accessible to eastbound traffic). After parking, walk back towards the freeway, and follow an old road which runs between the interstate and a large pond. Dalton Falls can be seen after walking about 1/2 way along the north shore of the pond, often in tandem with Mist Falls. Should Dalton Falls turn out to be on the next stream to the west, accessing that waterfall is markedly more difficult.Dalton Falls is - as far as we know - the only historically named ephemeral waterfall on the Oregon side of the Columbia Gorge. We've known about this waterfall's existence for dozens of years, hidden somewhere between Coopey and Mist Falls, but it wasn't until recently that we were clued in on its specific location. However, with further research and scouting it appears the waterfall which we originally thought was Dalton Falls may not actually be the real Dalton Falls. Our initial conclusion was that Dalton Falls occurs along the unmarked drainage one ravine west of Mist Creek, which is actually further east than we suspected it would be. However, given that this waterfall is highly seasonal and rather difficult to see from the Historic Columbia River Highway, it would seem an odd choice to give a name to. More recently Oregon waterfall hunter Zack Forsyth has explored the next perennial stream to the west and found it to harbor a significant waterfall that we now suspect may be the real Dalton Falls as the placement lines up with the maps which marked Dalton Falls as just east of Angels Rest. Until we do some further on-site investigation, this will remain an uncertainty.It isn't known where the name came from, but it dates back to the early 1900's, and was likely named after the same individual whom nearby Dalton Point was named for.
5 cfs
0 cfs
90 degrees
Columbia River (Snake River to Portland) Unnamed