Name of Waterfall
Hewett Falls
Hewett Falls
Located near Alleghany, on the Millicoma Tree Farm. From downtown Coos Bay, follow Highway 101 south to the signed turn for Eastside and the Coos River. Follow this road for about 15, one mile past the town of Alleghany, to a funny intersection. The main road, leading to Golden and Silver Falls State Park goes left, another road takes a hard right, and immediately, a third road goes off left, paralleling the road leading to Golden and Silver Falls. Take this road, marked for Weyerhaeuser's Millicoma Tree Farm. Follow the Weyerhaeuser Road, #100, for 9.5 miles to a major junction. Turn left, cross the East Fork Millicoma River, and proceed another 8/10 of a mile to the next junction. Turn left again, and go another 2.3 miles, to a large pullout just past a sign announcing the falls, from which the falls can be seen.Hewett Falls is the only easily accessible of the three waterfalls along Matson Creek. Two other falls, which lay a short distance downstream (Matson Falls and Lower Matson Falls) both are located within a deep canyon, and likely will require either precarious scrambling, or potentially technical climbing to access. Fortunately, Hewett Falls appears to be the best fall along the creek; the water sheets out over a wide ledge, and curtains down to where it hits protruding bedrock. Part of the falls cascades down to the streambed below, but right in the middle of the falls is a massive roostertail, which shoots water at least 25 feet out from the face of the falls.
Hewett Falls lies on Weyerhaeuser's Millicoma Tree Farm. As of 2014 Weyerhaeuser now requires an annual recreation permit for public access to this area. They only make approximately 1200 permits available each year, at a cost of $350 each, and are specific to the Millicoma Tree Farm, so it won't be transferable for other Weyerhaeuser properties elsewhere in Oregon.This waterfall was named for John Hewett, a former foreman for Weyerhauser, who saw the need to preserve natural features, such as this waterfall, within areas designated for logging. A sign near the falls explains the dedication.
['John Hewett Falls']
150 cfs
0 cfs
77 degrees
Coos Bay Matson Creek