Name of Waterfall

Berry Falls


This waterfall was labeled on one of the first hand drawn maps of Mount Rainier National Park as being located somewhere between Longmire and the Van Trump Creek bridge, but the exact location has thus far been exceedingly difficult to determine. The coordinates we've listed are very, very approximately where the map marked the falls. We've seen one vague account of a visitor suggesting the falls were visible from on or near the original wagon road to Paradise, and that it was described as a noteworthy attraction. This doesn't really fit with the area it was mapped at.
Another clue to this mystery may present a better explanation - a photograph in the University of Washington's digital collections dated to 1911-ish captioned as Berry Falls, Mount Rainier National Park, but the photo is clearly of Carter Falls along the Paradise River (which is a little over a mile from the old wagon road). It certainly is possible that this was indeed the feature which was referred to as Berry Falls, but the map which initially labeled it also had Carter Falls marked, so we suspect this picture may simply be mislabeled.

Other Names


Watershed or Feeder Stream

Nisqually River Unnamed