Name of Waterfall
Big Falls
Big Falls
The falls are located on River Road in Troy, Vermont, about 1.5 miles south of Route 105. There is a fairly large turnout on the side of the road, and the falls are about 200 feet from the parking area.The Missisquoi River meanders through a mix of woods and farmland as it flows north through Troy, Vermont. After a couple of minor bedrock obstructions, the river widens, divides and drops around some small rocky islands and makes a noisy and boisterous leap into a deep rocky gorge. The river drops 36 feet in three successive tiers before the gorge opens into a broad pool below. This is the largest waterfall on a big river in the state of Vermont that has not been harnessed for mill or hydroelectric purposes. The waterfall and surrounding property were formerly owned by Citizens Utilities Company, and there had been tentative plans to develop the falls for waterpower, but the falls were eventually deeded to the State of Vermont in 2008, so they will stay in their untamed state.
['Great Falls']
564 cfs (3 months)
192 cfs (9 months)
45 degrees
Missisquoi River