Name of Waterfall
Big Spring Creek Falls
Big Spring Creek Falls
Big Tree Creek Falls can be seen adjacent to FR 23 approximately 29 miles north of the town of Trout Lake, or 1/4 mile east of the junction of FR 23 and FR 90.Though this waterfall pales in comparison other nearby waterfalls, there are few waterfalls throughout the entire state of Washington which are more photogenic than this. Big Spring Creek stair-steps down a small three-tiered waterfall, set within a dark forest glen, surrounded on all sides by mosses and ferns of all kinds. In a very odd configuration, the upper tier seems to be an independent branch of the creek falling into another fork coming in from the left, then both cascade over the final two drops. There may in fact be more falls above on both forks of the stream. Because the falls are located within eyesight of the road, they seem to be a popular stop for passersby, some more inconsiderate than others given the amount of trash sometimes seen near the road here. Remember folks, the landfill has a purpose.
40 cfs
0 cfs
68 degrees
Lewis River Big Spring Creek