Name of Waterfall

Big Tree Creek Falls


Big Tree Creek possesses two significant waterfalls as it cascades towards Yacolt and the East Fork Lewis River, this is the most easily accessed. Here, the creek veils over a 58 foot ledge - partly dropping straight down while most of the water funnels down a chute and explodes outward half way down the cliff. When the creek runs lower in the summer, the falls take on a much less impressive appearance. This waterfall is not located on Weyerhaeuser property despite what signs along the road may indicate, but instead is located on private property owned by a local resident. The state of current public access is not entirely clear. If No Trespassing or Posted signs are encountered, please do not attempt to visit the falls. If access is allowed, please be cognizant of any parking restrictions and do not block the gate along the road.We've seen a postcard dated in 1911 that labeled this waterfall as Nyswanger (or possibly Niswonger) Falls. Only one such reference has surfaced so far, so it's not known whether this was a pet name someone adopted or if it was in active colloquial use in the Yacolt area at the time. Considering that names have turned up for the other major waterfalls in the vicinity, we wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be the historically appropriate name for this waterfall.

Other Names

['Big Tree Falls', 'Nyswanger Falls', 'Niswonger Falls']



IWC Rating (International Waterfall Classification)


Total Height (ft)


Tallest Drop


Number of Drops


Average Width


Average High Volume (Cubic ft per second)

25 cfs (12 months)

Average Low Volume (Cubic ft per second)

5 cfs (0 months)


90 degrees

Run (ft)


Watershed or Feeder Stream

Lewis River Big Tree Creek