
It comes out of a bluff on the Mississippi. It is from Blackhawk Cave. The cave is where the water comes out and you can see the way the water has carved it. Once the water is released, it flows down a waterfall. It is a beautiful spot with lush vegetation. There are also frogs and other animals that live in the water, which pools on the bluff. The log cabin museum and band shell overlook the river can be used to park. Continue on for about 75 yards until you reach the cave. Personally, I like to travel back approximately 15 feet into the cave where water is pouring from the side of the wall. I then fill my jug and thank the spring before heading back.
Chief Blackhawk, his warriors and others used the spring while they were in Burlington Area. This they called "Shoquoquon", Shok-kokon, which is the Flint Hills.
Nearest Address

Parkway Drive
Directions from the Nearest Address

It is located on Parkway Drive. If you live in Burlington, any person can help you find Crapo Park. You will find the Log Cabin Museum near the band shell.
Vital Information
Hours Spring Open
Crapo Park is the place where the spring is situated. It closes at 11:59 pm. It's a 85-acre botanical garden and an aboretum.
Blackhawk Spring Map Link
Submitted By: AfsheenMayahi


401, Dankwardt Dr, Burlington, IA 52601, US

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