Name of Waterfall
Blum Basin Falls
Blum Basin Falls
The fork of Blum Creek which heads in the Blum Glacier on the west face of Hagen Peak boasts a half-dozen or more parallel waterfalls which cascade down the headwall of the cirque, ranging from 500 to 800 feet in height, with the largest volume of the group potentially stretching to about 1,000 feet tall. A portion of these falls can be distantly seen from the Baker River Trail in the vicinity of the suspension bridge across the Baker River leading to the Baker Lake Trail, however there is no up-close access to the falls.This waterfall, or at least portions of this waterfall were photographed some time in the early 20th century, potentially by renowned pioneer wilderness photographer Asahel Curtis (the photograph we've seen was not directly attributed, but was found in a collection with many other photos credited to Curtis). Whether the falls was actually given a name at the time is not known.
Baker River Unnamed