Name of Waterfall

Boundary Creek Falls


Boundary Creek Falls is located near Cayuse Pass on the east side of Mount Rainier National Park. From the junction of Highways 410 and 123 at Cayuse Pass, follow Highway 123 south for just under 5 miles to the signed Owyhigh Lakes Trailhead and park in the large pullout on the opposite side of the road. Start down the moderately steep trail, passing Deer Creek Falls in 1/3 of a mile. Stay to the right where the East Side Trail branches left, then cross Deer and Chinook Creeks, and keep left at the next junction where the northern extension of the East Side Trail heads up Chinook Creek. After another two-thirds of a mile the trail crosses Boundary Creek on a log bridge, with the two sections of falls on either side. The larger upper tiers cannot be seen without either scrambling up the slope on the right side of the creek, or rock hopping upstream for about 50 feet.Boundary Creek Falls is the second major waterfall encountered along the Owyhigh Lakes Trail as one travels west from Highway 123 (the first being Deer Creek Falls). The falls consist of a stair-step pair of drops which fall 28 and 23 feet respectively within a narrow alcove tucked just out of view from the trail, and then a lower fall of 21 feet situated just downstream of the footbridge which spans Boundary Creek. The two upper tiers can be seen collectively, but there is no way to view all three sections of the falls from any one vista due to the shape of the canyon. The upper tiers of the falls can be seen relatively easily by rock hopping or wading up the creek from the bridge for about 50 feet (this may be a bit trickier during the snow melt months as Boundary Creek is not exactly a small stream), or by scrambling up the facing slope for a view from above. The falls will lose a considerable amount of volume during the autumn months, but are quite scenic and worthy of seeking out at just about any time of year.Boundary Creek was named such because the original boundary of Mount Rainier National Park was situated near the creek. The falls themselves aren't thought to have ever been officially named.

Other Names




IWC Rating (International Waterfall Classification)


Total Height (ft)


Tallest Drop


Number of Drops


Average Width


Average High Volume (Cubic ft per second)

25 cfs (7 months)

Average Low Volume (Cubic ft per second)

5 cfs (5 months)


80 degrees

Run (ft)


Watershed or Feeder Stream

Cowlitz River Boundary Creek