Name of Waterfall
Brice Creek Falls
Brice Creek Falls
Exit Interstate 5 at Cottage Grove (Exit 174) and drive east on Row River Road for approximately 19 1/2 miles to signed Brice Creek Road # 22. Follow Brice Creek Road for 4.7 miles to Cedar Creek Campground, and park in the day use area to the left of the entrance. Cross Brice Creek on a nice footbridge and head upstream (right) for 1/3 of a mile to a nice view over the small falls.Brice Creek possesses several modest waterfalls along its length, so why this one - one of the smaller notable drops - was singled out specifically to be named for the creek is a question I have yet to have answered. The falls drop between 8 and 12 feet, depending on the level of the creek (in high water, the falls are taller, in low water, shorter). The falls occur where a large boulder has wedged itself in between a narrow chasm in the bedrock, forming a natural "U" shaped gorge. When the creek is running very low, most of the water actually pours behind this boulder, and the falls become quite unimpressive. Scenic qualities, however, make up for the physical shortcomings of this waterfall, and I recommend any amateur or pro photographers in the area take 20 minutes to visit this location.Though this is nowhere near the largest fall on the creek, the Forest Service has recognized it as Brice Creek Falls for decades. In the late 80's, kayaker Tony Comstock claimed the first descent of the falls and coined the title "Laura's Thighs", after his "beautiful and dangerous" girlfriend.
["Laura's Thighs"]
250 cfs
0 cfs
77 degrees
Row River Brice Creek