Name of Waterfall

Bridal Veil Falls


Bridal Veil Falls is a natural waterfall located along Esmerelda Creek which sprays 81 feet down a cliff immediately adjacent to US Highway 50 near Pacific House. The waterfall is highly seasonal and only flows with any substance during the snow melt season. However at times the flow of the falls may be artificially increased due to overflow from the El Dorado Ditch spilling into Esmerelda Creek where the canal crosses the natural watercourse - how frequently this occurs is not clear.It appears that this waterfall was at one time known as Esmerelda Falls, though likely for a relatively short-lived period since most sources of information post-dating the 1930s refer to it as Bridal Veil Falls.

Other Names

['Esmeralda Falls']

Total Height (ft)


Watershed or Feeder Stream

Esmeralda Creek