
Exite a rock wall along the side Mt. Ogden, which flows several hundred feet downhill until it joins Taylor Creek. Although the flow is quite large, it can vary depending on snow melt or runoff from the mountain. above. This spring might be the source for the "Kristin Spring" also listed here. If there is no water in Taylor Creek, the spring flow will disappear under ground again approximately a half mile from its source. "Kristin Spring is about a mile downhill from there.
Nearest Address

27th St.
Directions from the Nearest Address

From the East End of 27th St., walk up the left or right trail to Taylor Canyon Creek. You can cross "Taylor Creek" if the spring is there. If it's running, it will tumble down the hilhside to the right. Or, go a few hundred meters further to the sign for "Maylan’s Peak Trail", to the right at Taylor Creek's second footbridge. About 100 yards up the trail, after crossing the bridge there is a trail that leads to the source. This spring is just as good as the "Mt.Shasta City Park Spring", which can be found in Mt. Shasta, Ca. IMNSHO. Enjoy! It is quite a trek, but well worth it. I haul out 5 gallons per day in a backpack. I'm over 70 so go for it!
Vital Information
Hours Spring Open
Map Link: City Spring Map


, , Uintah, UT 84403, US

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