Name of Waterfall
Columnar Canyon Falls
Columnar Canyon Falls
This appears to be the major waterfall of the South Fork of Whychus Creek. In all likelihood, there are more waterfalls upstream of this point, but I suspect none are as large as this 125-foot double-drop, spilling into a gaping canyon surrounded by columnar basalt walls. This is one of the more precarious waterfalls in the Whychus Creek drainage to view. This picture was taken as I sat on a stone ledge, composed of what appeared to be stratified volcanic ash, with my legs dangling off the cliff - the ground some 150 feet below - and my tripod straddled across my lap. Fortunately, the pictures turned out, because it's not something I look forward to, or condone repeating. Definitely one of the more spectacular waterfalls of the Whychus Creek area, but not one I recommend visiting.I've proposed naming the falls such after the sharp, well defined columnar basalt formations which line the canyon for several hundred feet in every direction from the falls.
['Upper South Fork Falls']
150 cfs
0 cfs
90 degrees
Deschutes River South Fork Whychus Creek