
A PVC white pipe measuring one inch is seen coming out from the ground. This pipe pours spring water into a wooden basin between two large redwoods trees at Comptche-Ukiah Road, Comptche, CA.
The spring can be found 6.2 miles away from HWY 1 coastline. Heading East on Comptche-Ukiah Road, the spring is just past mile marker 6.06. The spring can be found on the south side Comptche-Ukiah Road (on the right). It is located before you reach Comptche-Ukiah Road's downtown area.
Heading West on Comptche-Ukiah Road (at mile marker 6.22), the spring will be on your left. It's located just after you pass through Comptche.


39010, Comptche Ukiah Rd, Mendocino, CA 95460, US

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