Name of Waterfall
Falls Creek Falls
Falls Creek Falls
Located along SR 706 near the Stevens Canyon entrance of Mount Rainier National Park. Drive about 1/4 mile east from the Steven's Canyon entrance station and the Grove of the Patriarchs parking lot in Mt. Rainier National Park to the Falls Creek bridge and the falls, which almost spray right onto Highway 706.Though low volume and among the park's smaller waterfalls, Falls Creek Falls is one that all can enjoy. I've given these falls a lower rating because this one tends to be somewhat seasonal, however during the early summer the flow can vary from adaquete to uproarious. This is a popular tourist draw during the summer, and a favorite scene for professional photographers in the fall. If you are daring, take a quick shower under the falls when the water isn't so high (if no one is around that is).
15 cfs
0 cfs
90 degrees
Cowlitz River Falls Creek