9995 Spring Road
Fredrick Miller Spring has a long history in active use. But, we don't know how long it has been there. The first recorded mentions of springs or seeps dates back to mid-nineteenth-century government surveys and diaries and memoirs by the area's Euro-American settlers. This information confirms that seeps and springs are abundant in the valley area and that they were sought-after for clean water.
The City of Eden Prairie bought the property in 1969. They made improvements in 1972, and again in 2003. Today, the spring site appears almost exactly as it did back in 1890.
Fredrick-Miller Spring lies on the east end of Spring Road (County Road 4), one quarter mile north of Flying Cloud Drive. Access to the site is provided for automobiles, and there is a trough available for year-round use.
9995, Spring Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55347, US
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