Name of Waterfall

Grizzly Falls

GPS Coordinates (Approximate)





Grizzly Falls is found deep into the Nahatlatch Valley west of Boston Bar. Follow the Nahatlatch River FSR to the bridge spanning the river at the 48km mark, then turn left on an overgrown road for another 2km to the bridge below the falls. The last 2km will be very rough and may not be passable for low clearance vehicles, so I would suggest parking along the main road and walking the final 2km.Grizzly Falls is the most accessible waterfall in the Nahatlatch River drainage, though "accessible" is a term that should be used loosely here. The creek begins by sliding down a steep pitch of rock at about a 60 degree angle, then immediately after leveling out, plunges over three wide drops in quick succession, each getting progressively taller and wider as the stream falls, falling a total of 276 feet. The falls are found about 200 feet upstream of the bridge spanning Grizzly Creek and a nice informal campsite can be found immediately to the west of the creek - though the spray from the falls may keep the area wet enough that it may not be entirely pleasant to camp there until late in the summer. The roads leading to this waterfall are, however, not in great shape. Vehicles with lower clearance are not advised to drive all the way to the falls, but should be able to make it easily to within walking distance.

Other Names




Absolute Magnitude


IWC Rating (International Waterfall Classification)


Total Height (ft)


Number of Drops


Average Width


Average High Volume (Cubic ft per second)

200 cfs (8 months)

Average Low Volume (Cubic ft per second)

100 cfs (4 months)


80 degrees

Run (ft)


Watershed or Feeder Stream

Fraser River Grizzly Creek