
Nearest Address

Junction of routes 56 East & 664 North
Directions from the Nearest Address

Directions from Columbus Ohio - time: approximately 73 minutes, distance 55 miles Take 23 South, then 22-56 East. Circleville, OH. For approximately 25 miles, continue on 56 East. 7 miles beyond Laurelville is the intersection of 56 East & 64. At approximately 2 miles, turn right to continue on 56 East. Ash Cave is beyond the spring. If you do not see it, look around.
Vital Information
Hours Spring Open
There weren't any signs indicating limited hours, so I presume it's always available.
Map Link: Hawk Hills Map
Submitted by: Lauren Michelle Kinsey


23526, State Rte 56, South Bloomingville, OH 43152, US

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