
You will see the mailbox above. There is a pipe running from the right side of road. The water source for St. Helena is slightly closer than Rattlesnake Spring. There are also less people waiting as it does not receive as much traffic. The water is very clean, and it tastes great. Rattlesnake spring is not something I've been to, but someone I spoke to who had said they were similar. I haven’t tested the water, but I would like to in the future.
Nearest Address

1416 Howell Mountain Road
Directions from the Nearest Address

If you are coming in from 29/Sonoma Calistoga, you will want to pass downtown Angwin. Go a few more miles and then turn right to locate the pipe with a plank of wood on the ground at the end of the road. It's obvious that you've passed it when you see the mailboxes at your left beginning with the number 1435. Google streetview will show you the pipes and wood plank.
Vital Information
Hours Spring Open
There are no operating hours.
Ron Kline


1375, Howell Mountain Rd, Angwin, CA 94508, US

Don't Forget Your Filter

Life Straw removes 99.999% of waterborn parasites so it is essential if you're drinking from an unknown water source. With proper use it provides 4,000 liters of clean and safe drinking water.

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