Name of Waterfall
Kalandula Falls
Kalandula Falls
Kalandula Falls is a broad, horseshoe shaped waterfall along the moderate to high volume Lucala River found in the northwestern part of Angola. The falls are said to plunge 344 feet, and while Google Earth's rough terrain models support this to an extent, we remain skeptical of its accuracy. The width of the falls, however, is not in dispute - the crest length of the falls averages about 1300 feet across and may come close to 2000 feet during flood stage.The falls were known as Duque du Bragança Falls during the Angolan civil war between 1975 and 2002. The name was changed back to its original title once the conflict subsided. The falls have also been known as Dianzundu Falls, though less frequently. The spelling of Kalandula (or Calandula) appears to be preferential and either seems to be appropriate since the pronunciation is the same.
['Calandula Falls', 'Duque de Bragança Falls', 'Dianzundu Falls']
20,000 cfs (5 months)
1,000 cfs (7 months)
90 degrees
Lucala River