

This little spring comes out of a pipe. It then leads to a stream that runs alongside the road. Good and constant flow. High quality water. The water is on public land. It is enclosed by fencing and pasture land. This shows that the water has been kept accessible to the public.
Nearest Address

Clappers Lane near Fulking
Directions from the Nearest Address

From Fulking, drive down Clappers Lane past Brook Cottage. The road will then turn right at an area where you can park your vehicle. Follow the stream for about 50 yards. You will find the stream at the end. See youtube video and you can contact Elwin at
Vital Information
Hours Spring Open
Elwin Robinson

Don't Forget Your Filter

Life Straw removes 99.999% of waterborn parasites so it is essential if you're drinking from an unknown water source. With proper use it provides 4,000 liters of clean and safe drinking water.

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