
It is a piped out from the ground, and it flows continuously like a spigot. You can see it from the highway.
Nearest Address

The White Mountains of AZ Central East McNary are the nearest towns. 10 miles west of the spring. It is right off State Rte. You will find it on the north side, at the Hawley Lake exit. The turnoff to Eager is at hwy 473 about 25 miles east of spring.
Directions from the Nearest Address

Continue straight across the highway to the Hawley Lake turnoff. Hwy 473 A well-known landmark is the White Mountain Apache Tribe sunrise Ski resort, located approximately 10 miles east the spring. Greer, located just off Highway 260, is also nearby.
Vital Information
Hours of Spring Open
Map Link: Little Bear/Big Bear Lakes turnoff AKA Shush Be Zahze/Shush Be Tou
Valerie Borrego


, , McNary, AZ 85930, US

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