This natural spring water in Michigan, United States is available to the public for free and is located in a public park. The water flows from a pipe that has fairly clean surroundings. Also, the water flow is steady and you can fill your water containers quickly.
Where Can I Find Spring Water?
The correct coordinates are 43.274714,-83.31665 and the address is Roadside Park Dr, Mayville, MI 48744, USA. The park is located on Highway 24, south of Rich township hall. Drive south from the hall for a few meters and the park will be on your right.
More Details:
Google maps and Google Earth might confuse you when trying to reach the park. The coordinates and directions are said to be incorrect there. Also, there are no lab tests that can confirm the water quality. However, several people have reported the water to be safe for drinking but try at your own risk!
8336, State Hwy 24, Mayville, MI 48744, US
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