
A small pile of fractured rock about 50 feet from the place I collect the springs is where it came. The spring was already running down the hill, so I channelized it with 6mil black plastic. A space was dug below the stream for a 5 liter bucket. The water has become crystal clear and the grasses and water cress have now returned. Amazing!
Some people have asked me about the safety of drinking water. I will confirm that I have been drinking it continuously for 4 months and have never become sick. Because there are evidences of calcium carbonate in the water, I suspect it may have some. However, I believe this is good for your bones.
Nearest Address

Cerro Alto Campground, Atascadero, California 93422
Directions from the Nearest Address
About 1/4 mile west of Morro Bay, take hwy41. It is located on your right (uphill) side. The concrete culvert is about 20ft up the hillside. There is also a 100-yard water run down the other side of the highway. Extreme caution is required when pulling over or coming out of the section. It's very curvy. It is possible to park along the road for about 30ft, but you will have to cross heavy trucks and buckets. My last time, I parked directly beside the spring with only 2 feet between my van & the road edge. Much safer and easier.
Vital Information
Hours of Spring Open
Map Link: Morro Creek Spring map
Doug Smith.


13701, Cerro Alto Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422, US

Don't Forget Your Filter

Life Straw removes 99.999% of waterborn parasites so it is essential if you're drinking from an unknown water source. With proper use it provides 4,000 liters of clean and safe drinking water.

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