Name of Waterfall
Preston Falls
Preston Falls
Preston Falls is located on private property and is not accessible to the public. Please respect the landowner's postings and do not attempt to approach the falls.Preston Falls is one of three waterfalls in the Entiat Valley that the USGS actually marks on its maps. Unfortunately the falls lie on private land and as of June 2003, the property owners had heavily posted the land and weren't amenable to allowing public access. By 2006 the falls had become more or less completely obstructed from view from the road, so this one will have to be reluctantly sour-graped from now on. Please be respectful of the landowners' rights and do not trespass. If the owners of the land around Preston Falls happen to read this, we'd love an invitation to properly document your waterfall.
25 cfs
0 cfs
90 degrees
Entiat River Preston Creek