Name of Waterfall
Princess Falls
Princess Falls
1180 Scenic Dr, Hamilton, ON L9C 1H9, Canada
1180 Scenic Dr, Hamilton, ON L9C 1H9, Canada
The upper and lower sections of this waterfall are often listed separately because they cannot be seen collectively from any perspective on the ground. Geologically they are separate tiers of the same series of falls, and as such the World Waterfall Database recognizes it as one set of falls. The falls have a cumulative height of 44 meters (143 feet). The upper falls drop 6 meters (20 feet) adjacent to the Chedoke Radial Trail, then upon passing under the trail (a former railroad grade) plunges over back to back drops of 3 meters and 19 meters over a sheer cliff. The next 11 meters (35 feet) of drop are talus cascades which are only included due to the presence of a significant bedrock based drop below. The final drop then leaps another 6 meters (20 feet). The stream then tumbles over a few large boulders before funneling under Highway 403. This waterfall is likely seasonal and flows best during periods of wet weather (it may dry out entirely during the summer months).
['Langs Falls', 'Upper Princess Falls', 'Lower Princess Falls']
Langs Creek