
Copper spout in narrow shape with two boxes
Nearest Address

5546 Lake County Hwy Napa County CA
Directions from the Nearest Address

Rattlesnake Spring can be found in California (county Napa), at latitude - longitude coordinates N 38.67213/W -122.58971. It is located at the highest point of Lake County Highway 29 (just south of Middletown). It is at the NW corner in Napa County. From there, one can drive north into Lake County. Hiking west into Sonoma County's Robert Louis Stevenson St. Park brings you right into Sonoma. It's on the other side of the road. It may have a few cars lined up to fill it when it's flowing. According to my knowledge, it will flow throughout the year. However, it may be plugged by the county from time to time. It is much preferred over Harbin by many Lake County residents. Although I haven't tried it yet, I am keen to ensure it is high quality.
Vital Information
Hours Spring Open
N 38.67213,W 122.58971
Map Link: Rattlesnake spring Map
Photo by Terre


5377, Lake County Hwy, Calistoga, CA 94515, US

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