

You can drive right up to this amazing spring. The spring is free to use, with the exception of admission to the state parks. Water is easy to access with the help of a metal spout.
Nearest Address

1 Coursen Road Branchville, NJ 07826
Directions starting from the nearest address

Continue following the road into the park. When you reach the first intersection, turn left and follow the road until you find the spring on the right. You can pull your vehicle up to the spring, and then fill up.
Vital Information

Hours Spring Open
24 hours.
Map Link: Stokes State Forest Map
Submitted By: Jeff Skeirik, Dhrumil Purohit


24, Coursen Rd, Branchville, NJ 07826, US

Don't Forget Your Filter

Life Straw removes 99.999% of waterborn parasites so it is essential if you're drinking from an unknown water source. With proper use it provides 4,000 liters of clean and safe drinking water.

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