

This natural spring water in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, United States is a hot spring of The Springs Resort in Pagosa Springs. You get to enjoy the spa, free hot springs when booking a room, accommodation, dining, and a lot more. Soak as much as you want since the resort sells day passes, that they charge by the day and not hours. The resort is accessible 24/7 and you will have to pay where each service is sold as an al-la-carte or package, whose prices differ based on the service you choose. Check out the latest prices on the official website.


Where can I find spring water?

The correct coordinates to this resort are 37.264643559100634, -107.01094265342742. And the complete address is 323 Hot Springs Blvd, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, United States. It's near the San Juan River next to Hot Springs Blvd road near the bus stop and the Bank of the San Juans.



If starting from Pagosa Springs, please hit the highway and head west. Then take a right at the crossing to switch to the Hot Spring Blvd road. That's just before the "The Rose" diner and just after "The Peak Deli". Cross the San Juan River, a bus station to your left, and take a right just before another bus stop and the bank. Continue until a dead end and you will be at your destination on your right.


More details:

There's a parking lot to the right so don't go far away. There's no point in getting lost as the directions are very straightforward. You'll get to soak in the magical hot spring water here. Feel free to book a room or a suite and enjoy the awesome dining. Then there are a lot of fall, winter, spring, summer, and year-round activities conducted at the resort. There are some packages for couples, like warn embrace package, soak and ski package, and more.


323 Hot Springs Blvd, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, United States

Don't Forget Your Filter

Life Straw removes 99.999% of waterborn parasites so it is essential if you're drinking from an unknown water source. With proper use it provides 4,000 liters of clean and safe drinking water.

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