
We also drank it, as do the locals.
It is located right next door to a private skiing club. Please be respectful! Thank you.
* Montreal, take the Laurentian Autoroute (route 15) north to exit 60 for St. Sauveur/Morin-Heights.
* Continue straight across the highway, and bear right just after crossing the bridge.
* Follow route 364 through St. Sauveur approximately 8 km to Morin Height traffic lights.
* Turn left at the traffic lights. Continue on route 329 approximately 4 km until you reach the dual sign Perry/Jackson on the right.
* Take a right at the Perry/Jackson sign. Then, immediately after, take a left to continue on Jackson Road.
* You'll see the Clubhouse on your right about 1 km.
Address: 393 Jackson, Morin-Heights
GPS coordinates: 74.290387 W, 45.869118 N (Longitude: 74deg 17' 25.4" W, Latitude: 45deg 52' 8.8" N)

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