Name of Waterfall
Twin Falls
Twin Falls
From Moultonborough, drive north on Route 109 for six-tenths of a mile, then turn right (east) onto Route 109. Follow Route 109 for 2.6 miles, then bear left onto Ossippee Park Road. Continue for another 1.3 miles to the first of two large parking areas at the broad grass fields in Ossipee Park and park where space is available (the second is closer to Castle in the Clouds). Consult the trail maps and cross the fields toward Shannon Pond, then find the Shannon Brook trail and begin hiking downstream. Twin Falls is located a few hundred feet downstream of Roaring Falls, no more than one-quarter mile from the parking area.Twin Falls is the second of seven named waterfalls found within the Castle in the Clouds Conservation Area. Full survey report coming soon.
Twin Falls is the second of the seven named waterfalls found along Shannon Brook within the Castle in the Clouds Conservation Area. The falls drop a total of 20 feet over a series of four shallow cascading ledges, but none of which drop more than 7 feet individually. The stream splits around several small protruding rocks and islands in several sinuous channels, which makes each section of the falls look considerably less significant than it already is. As there are more than two distinct steps, it's likely the name stems from a particular section of the falls where there are two side-by-side drops, though which that might have been was not obvious. Though the height of this waterfall is great enough for it to otherwise qualify for inclusion in this database, the falls are hardly significant in any sense, and were it not for a small sign identifying the falls by name, one would be forgiven for passing by this feature entirely without second thought, and were it not for the historical name, this entry would not be thought of as significant enough to be included in the database.
Shannon Brook drains from a basin on the south and east flanks of Mount Roberts and Faraway Mountain, covering an area of about 2 square miles. Other than Shannon Pond there does not appear to be any permanent standing water feeding the stream, and while it does retain a modest flow for the summer, the streamflow should be expected to drop off considerably in periods of drought.
5 cfs (8 months)
1 cfs (4 months)
30 degrees
Shannon Brook