Name of Waterfall

Upper Siouxon Falls


Take SR 503 to the town of Chelatchie and turn east onto NE Healy Road. Follow this road, which becomes FSR 54 after a couple miles, for 9 miles and bear left (uphill) on FSR 57 (54 turns to gravel at this point while 57 remains paved). Just over one mile further turn left onto FSR 5701 (still paved) and follow it to its end 3 3/4 miles further at the Siouxon Creek Trailhead. The falls are found 5 1/2 miles from the trailhead, shortly before the trail crosses Calamity Creek.Siouxon Creek is a stream well endowed with waterfalls - eight drops of 5 feet or more are known to exist along its length, but only half of those are significant enough to warrant inclusion in this database. The uppermost fall along the creek is a 16 foot tall plunging block-type waterfall that stretches to over 30 feet in width during periods of high flow. The creek drops over such a uniform ledge and into such a perfect pool that one could be excused for assuming the falls were not natural.Though this is the true Upper Siouxon Falls, the 4th edition of the book "A Waterfall Lover's Guide to the Pacific Northwest" incorrectly identifies the 8-foot fall seen upstream of the 4-mile bridge along the Siouxon Creek Trail as the upper falls.

Other Names




IWC Rating (International Waterfall Classification)


Total Height (ft)


Tallest Drop


Number of Drops


Average Width


Average High Volume (Cubic ft per second)

200 cfs

Average Low Volume (Cubic ft per second)

0 cfs


90 degrees

Run (ft)


Watershed or Feeder Stream

Lewis River Siouxon Creek