This natural spring water in Thornville, Ohio, USA is available for free but the locals have now created some confusion recently. The spring used to be open to the public for free for sure, but now there's a sign that says "No tresspassing". It's quite confusing and unknown who is the new owner of this spring or if the spring is now closed for public use. However, there's an iron pipe from where the water flows out. You could possibly fill your water containers in a decent amount of time. However, there are no lab tests to support the water's purity.
Where can I find spring water?
The coordinates are 39.9297457,-82.412032 and the complete address is 6828-6810 Co Hwy 596, Thornville, OH 43076, USA.
Starting from Thornville, head north on Highway 13 and cross Thornport. Continue after crossing Thornport and cross a church a few meters ahead on your right. Take a left on the Ctristland Hill road and your destination will be on your right a few meters after taking a turn.
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The spring hasn't dried out. The water still flows. The only issue is whether or not you can possibly access the site. It's still confusing. Better avoid trespassing if someone has an objection. Perhaps consider asking the locals about the owner and reach the spot only if the owner allows or if you find it safe enough to trespass.
This natural spring water in the Las Vegas Metropolitan area, Nevada, USA flows naturally on the ground and is accessible to the public for free, open 24/7. It's in the mountain ranges so reaching out to the spot could be somewhat hard. People say it is safe to drink but there are no lab tests to support the fact. So drink at your own risk.
Where can I find spring water?
This raw water source is located at 36.162887,-115.725661, and its address is Las Vegas Metropolitan Area, NV, USA.
If you're starting from Las Vegas, you need to take route 160 and head away from the city to the west. Continue on the highway for a few meters and take the first right you'll come across on the highway. Continue on that road for a few meters again and you should reach your destination. Try looking for signs in the forest when you have to take a turn on the highway.
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The road to the spring will be mostly uphill so drive carefully. You'll come across a plateau that's an ideal location for camping. You might see signs of someone who camped a little while ago. The spring is hard to spot so be prepared to face some super tough times if you're a newbie spring hunter. Remember that the turn from the highway will be leading you to the spring but that's not a proper road. Consider taking the help of Google GPS as some people have voted it up for being highly accurate.
This natural spring water in Ramsey, Illinois, United States is a naturally occurring spring water that has been tested for purity and was found perfect for drinking. People have reported the water to be delicious and healthy. It is accessible to the public for free and is open 24/7. There might be several spots at the site from where you can fetch the water but not all of them might be suitable spots. Find a spot with the clearest water, please.
The water comes out from a pipe and falls on the ground. The surroundings are clean and the water flow is decent. You can fill a large container in a short amount of time.
Where can I find spring water?
The correct coordinates to this site are 39.131213379334014, -88.9738920948791 and the complete address is County Rd 1490 E, Ramsey, IL 62080, United States.
NOTE: Please note that some websites suggest an incorrect coordinate and address to the spring and the visitors have reported an incorrect detail. Please double-check where you're heading to avoid inconvenience.
Assuming you're heading from Ramsey, please head east on County Road 2800 N. The site will be about 8 miles from the city. Cross a church about halfway through the county road on your left and there will be a 90 degree turn a few meters ahead. Continue on the road, take a right, then a left, and the spring will be just before the Wren Bridge.
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The spring is very easy to locate despite being in the woods. If you came across the bridge on the Kaskaskia River, you've taken the wrong road. It will be a beautiful spot full of natural resources. It serves as a perfect location for hanging out, relaxing, spending some peaceful time, and enjoying nature. Perfect getaway destination.
This natural spring water in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, United States is a hot spring of The Springs Resort in Pagosa Springs. You get to enjoy the spa, free hot springs when booking a room, accommodation, dining, and a lot more. Soak as much as you want since the resort sells day passes, that they charge by the day and not hours. The resort is accessible 24/7 and you will have to pay where each service is sold as an al-la-carte or package, whose prices differ based on the service you choose. Check out the latest prices on the official website.
Where can I find spring water?
The correct coordinates to this resort are 37.264643559100634, -107.01094265342742. And the complete address is 323 Hot Springs Blvd, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, United States. It's near the San Juan River next to Hot Springs Blvd road near the bus stop and the Bank of the San Juans.
If starting from Pagosa Springs, please hit the highway and head west. Then take a right at the crossing to switch to the Hot Spring Blvd road. That's just before the "The Rose" diner and just after "The Peak Deli". Cross the San Juan River, a bus station to your left, and take a right just before another bus stop and the bank. Continue until a dead end and you will be at your destination on your right.
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There's a parking lot to the right so don't go far away. There's no point in getting lost as the directions are very straightforward. You'll get to soak in the magical hot spring water here. Feel free to book a room or a suite and enjoy the awesome dining. Then there are a lot of fall, winter, spring, summer, and year-round activities conducted at the resort. There are some packages for couples, like warn embrace package, soak and ski package, and more.
This natural spring water in Heatburg, Red Deer County, Alberta, Canada occurs naturally that's accessible to the public for free and open 24/7. The spring has a fast flow and you can fill a jug of water in no time. There should be two hoses coming out from the source. Fill from the hose with a gate valve, that's for the visitors' convenience.
Where can I find spring water?
The correct coordinates are 52.4939390079794, -113.40065283566598 and the complete address is FHVX+HPH Clive, Alberta, Canada.
NOTE: some websites suggest an incorrect pin and the coordinate stated on this webpage is as directed by a real visitor to the site. There can be a slight difference in the location but the pin here is highly accurate with negligible error.
Starting from Clive, hit 51 Ave and take a left. Continue on Range Road 245 to the north and miss the first left turn. There will be a right turn with an unconstructed road. but that leads to someone's property. Miss that and take the next right turn to switch to Township Road 410. Drive for 1 or 1.5 miles and you'll find a group of pine and spruce on your left. That's your destination. There are some paths, in fact, unconstructed paths that lead to private properties. If you feel lost, consider getting directions from the locals if you find any.
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Park your vehicle somewhere by the side of the road and take a walk to the spring. You might be able to locate the spring from the road as it's all farmland, perhaps.
This natural spring water in Langford, British Columbia, Canada, falls naturally in the mountains. It's actually a waterfall and you might come across several other water sources that originate from here. Not all of them are fit for drinking. The water site is accessible to the public for free and is open 24.7. You can't say about hygiene as some people have reported the presence of bacteria through a home test kit previously.
This natural spring water in Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA comes out from an artesian well, that's in a park. The water is said to be clean and fit for drinking. However, there are no lab tests to prove the fact. The water flow is speedy and comes out from a well that by dug by hands long ago. It was measured to be about 55 feet deep. The water flows through a pipe attached to the well. it's accessible to the public for free and is open 24/7.
Where can I find spring water?
The correct coordinates are 42.785508368781784, -88.71514879211884 and the complete address is Flowing Well,, 8267-8201 Clover Valley Rd, Whitewater, WI 53190, United States.
The well is in the park.
Head south from Whitewater through Highway 89. Cross the golf course just outside the city. There will be a left turn after you exit from Whitewater. Skip that and continue on the highway. Take the first left you'll come across. Then take the third right to switch to Clover Valley Road. Continue on the road for a while and you should see the well from the road.
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The location is in the middle of nowhere. Avoid reaching out during the night. There's plenty of parking space so avoid parking or stopping in the middle of the road.
This natural spring water in Eastbourne, UK is more of a pilgrimage site and a water spring, that flows into the ocean. It is accessible to the public for free and open 24/7. It's not quite clear if you can really drink water from here, or whether you should, or perhaps is someone doing so. Consider confirming with the locals about the usability of the water here. The spring flows into the sea.
Where can I find spring water?
The correct coordinates are 50.75100495718798, 0.2680595266534989 and the complete address is:
BN20 7XN
Take the Grand Parage road along the beaches and seashore to the southwest. Drive for 2.2 miles and take a left after crossing the Helen Garden. There is a "The Kiosk" cafe as well for your clarity. Continue on the road for a few meters and you should be at your destination.
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This pilgrimage site has some public toilets on the way. You may not find enough places to eat, so consider carrying food and water.
This natural spring water in Chicago, Illinois, USA is available for free but has a limit of 5 gallons. Most people ignore the limit and often break the rules at the site. The water tastes excellent and isn't regular Chicago water, that's a promise! The water site can have queues but there shouldn't be any during late night. The water pump might be out of order sometimes due to technical difficulties, so be prepared for that as well.
Where can I find spring water?
The correct coordinates are 41.956251,-87.851486 and the complete address is Cook County, IL, USA.
Head west from Chicago, IL on Highway 290 and take a right to switch to highway 45 before the flyover. Continue on the highway for a few miles and take a right to switch to Highway 19 at the crossroad. Cross the Schiller Park and enter the Schiller Woods just after crossing the river. Stop there, park your car, and take a walk to the spring site on your left. There should be a paved path leading to the spring.
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Carry your container and keep in mind the limit. If there are any more rules imposed lately, abide! The water flow is speedy. The surroundings and water are all clean. Countless people have been fetching water from here for ages, so that kinda supports its purity and hygiene.
This natural spring water in Loimaa, Finland is in a lake. There's also an artesian well just near it and the water source is said to be the same for both. The water here is perfectly safe for drinking purposes and people have been fetching water here for ages. There's no limit on how much you can take water from here. Carry your container, though.
Where can I find spring water?
The correct coordinates are 60.97219050343451, 22.59000566127562 and the complete address is 32560 Loimaa, Finland.
If you're starting from Loimaa, Finland, please drive west on road 213. Continue for a few miles/kilometers, cross the highway 41 crossing. Then cross Virttaan Erä-Veikkojen maja on your right and continue for another few kilometers. There should be a small road on the left leading to the lake. It's the Kahilantie road, take that and it'll take you to the destination.
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There's plenty more stuff to do here in addition to filling water. It's a great spot for relaxation, spending some quality time with your spouse, and enjoying the natural beauty as it's far away from the cities. There are no open and closing timing. Some people have complained about the complex path for reaching the place. Perhaps, using a GPS is, thus advisable.