

This natural spring water in Oregon, United States is a hot spring location with numerous steam vents. The best time to visit this place is after the rainy season or after rain, as suggested by several sources. A yellow hue is visible throughout the year at this hot spring.


Where Can I Find Spring Water?

Here are the proper directions guide if you wish to reach this hot spring. The address is Oregon 97721, United States and the coordinates are 42.677167803201584, -118.34465626431619. Drive West on road 205 and reach Fields Denio Road.  Keep driving north and cross Alvord Lake on your right and Steens Mountain on your left. A few miles ahead take the turn to your right, which will take you to your destination hot spring.


More Details:

This is a free hot spring and witnesses plenty of tourists every day. You can enjoy with your friends and family all day. Avoid visiting at night and leave for your home on time. You will not find any good places to eat or drink nearby, so ENSURE CARRYING FOOD. The place is surrounded by several mountains and falls, which serve as additional natural tourist places.


, , Princeton, OR 97721, US

Don't Forget Your Filter

Life Straw removes 99.999% of waterborn parasites so it is essential if you're drinking from an unknown water source. With proper use it provides 4,000 liters of clean and safe drinking water.

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