It has a plastic outflow, which pours into the creek. It seems to be in good shape, but I am not certain if someone is caring for it. It's a common area where people drink it, including me. ).
Mo Rosati: To get some readings, I returned to this location on November 12, 2009. All indicators suggest that this water source may also be an artesian one (though it might be naturally occurring rather than man-made as Ancaster Arestian well ). TDS 334 on the west was pH 7.53, temp 8.4C. TDS 350 on the east was pH 7.38, temperature 6.9C. Comparable to Ancaster TDS 190 pH 8.14. Belfountain water was tested for Total Coliform and E. Coli. It came back ZERO ( same as Ancaster source). Comparable to true natural springs eg. TDS 23 Temp: 6.7 C pH: 5.58
Nearest Address
Winston Churchill Blvd. Belfountain, Ontario, and Bush St.
Directions from the Nearest Address
After you have reached the intersection of Winston Churchill/Bush, turn NORTH (not South on the map). You will see the road descend a hill. You will see a guard rail at each end. The spring can be found on the west side and at the end the rail to the north. She'll be waiting for your arrival as you descend the hill. Enjoy!
Vital Information
Hours Spring Open
Map Link: Belfountain BeautySpringMap
Submitted By: Kevin and Amber Rosati, Mo Rosati
17401, Winston Churchill Blvd, Erin, ON L7K, CA
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