
The Spring can be found on the right-hand side of Johnstone Road, at 1.2 km from the beginning. It is located approximately 100 feet past address 384 Johnstone. Park in the small pullover at the Spring. It is located on the roadside, coming out of a hole in the rock. It's easy to reach.
It was the only place we could get all our water for several months. It was a bit greenish and had some floating particles, but it was always fine. We never noticed any problem with the water.
It flows strong and continuously.
Only 5 minutes drive to downtown Nelson
Gratitude for Goodwater


412, Johnstone Rd, Nelson, BC V1L, CA

Don't Forget Your Filter

Life Straw removes 99.999% of waterborn parasites so it is essential if you're drinking from an unknown water source. With proper use it provides 4,000 liters of clean and safe drinking water.

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